After the confession of New Jeans parents was made, some netizens pointed out that it was not first time of Bang Si Hyuk ignored his artists. (CLICK HERE to read ‘New Jeans’ Parents claim and the refute from HYBE, here) BTS V’s confession resurfaced, and it eventually became the most popular post of ‘Daum Cafe App 1pm, on May 13th.’ The Daum Cafe always rank the most popular posts among the users and BTS V’s confession about how Bang Si Hyuk ignored BTS V during his debut days ranked the first.

What was the post about? Bang Si Hyuk Ignored BTS V?
The title of the post was, “While BTS was trainee, for a year Bang Si Hyuk ignored BTS V,” and the post was just a list of screenshots of old BTS contents that was aired on SBS MTV. BTS V was making confession up high on the edge of building, what made him upset. He talked about his experience that he was being ignored by Bang Si Hyuk.
He was walking to a convenience store with RM, and they met Bang Si Hyuk. Bang Si Hyuk asked, “who are you, the one next to Nam Jun(RM)?” After the disclosure he yelled, “MY NAME IS TAEHYUNG!” and the post of screenshots has finished. Members were laughing and even Bang Si Hyuk was laughing.
However, unlike its atmosphere Korean netizens felt different after hearing the claim that Bang Si Hyuk purposely ignored New Jeans’ greeting.

Korean netizens were saying it was weird and rude, that he was suspicious.
The claim made by ADOR and New Jeans’ parents might not be true and just a one-sided opinion, however the image of HYBE and Bang Si Hyuk is collapsing for sure. Now even BTS has mentioned as the victim of Bang Si Hyuk and HYBE among Korean netizens.
Do you think the confession of BTS V was just for fun? or He was actually upset about the experience?