A big backlash on EXO Baekhyun Fansite after reacting to INB100 press conference

exo baekhyun fansite
EXO Baekhyun fansite ‘X’ tweet credit: @ Bground506

EXO Baekhyun fansite shows disappointment

INB100, the agency of EXO-CBX members (Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin), had an emergency press conference on June 10th. The agency made a statement saying that EXO CBX members are getting mistreated by SM Entertainment, after they moved the agency. They talked about the percentage of the distribution, that SM changed it to 10%, which was originally 5.5 %. To read more about the emergency press conference by EXO CBX and INB100, CLICK HERE.

After the press conference was ended, one of the EXO Baekhyun’s fansite has expressed its feelings. “정말 팬들이 소중하다면 두번다신 비슷한 일 안만들어야되는거 아니에요? 그동안 감사했습니다,” which was “If fans are truly precious, shouldn’t you never make a similar situation again? Thank you for everything.” The fansite was the one who even attended Baekhyun’s solo concert the day before the press conference.

This tweet became the hot topic. Over 10 million people viewed the tweet and over 1,1000 tweets were written under the original tweet.

exo baekhyun fansite
EXO Baekhyun fansite credit: Bground56

Two different reactions on the original tweet

Some are hating her. They do not support her decision, and blames her about it. “How can you be so shameless and ungrateful in front of all Baekhyun’s love for EXOLs? Are u fans? Of course you are not,” “The exit is on the left. Close the door when you leave. Fans like this are worth nothing.”

While some others support the decision. “having a press conference on other member’s comeback week? It crossed the line. I really understand this person,” or “ssibal Byun Baekhyun is stabbing a fan with a knife, but the fan gets criticized because she poked with a needle? Only those who put their money and love into Baekhyun can make comments on her.”

Which side are you on?

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