H1-KEY Hwiseo deals the dating rumor herself, Hwiseo and Na Kamden are not dating

hwiseo and na Kamden
Hwiseo talking about ‘Hwiseo and Na Kamden’ rumors credit: Hwiseo Bubble

HWISEO and Na Kamden allegations are cleared?

Earlier on May 6th, there was an anonymous user account made an allegation of dating rumors between AMPERSANDONE Kamden and H1-KEY & ELZZ UP Hwiseo. The dating rumor actually had its own evidences, but the most convincing evidence to crowds were ‘hotel room visiting’ evidence. (To read the detailed and organized allegation article, CLICK HERE)

While AMPERSANDONE members were having Weverse Live Streaming, there was a knocking sound on the door, and AMPERSANDONE member Siyun said ‘Hwihyeon noona came!’ Hwihyeon is real name of Hwiseo. After Siyun’s explanation, there was a voice that sounded a female. People assumed it was Hwiseo and with other evidences, people allegedly called Hi-Key Hwiseo as a girlfriend of Na Kamden.

Hwiseo talks about it herself

It seemed Hwiseo has received many questions through her Bubble account. She made her positions clearly by sending a message to her fans.

Full Text of Her Bubble Chat

I will talk about the issue, as I received questions!!

I am not in a relationship that can be mislead with them! I never went to a hotel room!! The hotel room was not soundproofed, so I opened the door saying “Who are you?” to the knock in the front room which I misunderstood, and there were dongsangs (Youngers) who had been trainees together. I was glad to see them after a long time, so I said “Oh! Long time no see!” and that was it. Then, I took a picture with Shinyoung wearing pompom poorin (Sanrio character) pants that were uploaded on Instagram today! You don’t have to worry!! You know I’m more serious about work than anyone else!!

hwiseo and na Kamden
mentioned photo while Hwiseo explaining ‘Hwiseo and Na Kamden’ dating rumors

Na Kamden or FNC has opened its mouth about the dating issue, however as Hwiseo talked about the issue herself and tried to explain why her voice was live streamed through AMPERSANDONE’s live streaming, it seems everyone to understand the situation. People are saying Hwiseo, herself who trained in FNC entertainment it would not be weird for her to say hi to FNC artists.

Meanwhile, ELZZ UP, group Hwiseo is in, has cancelled its attendance to KCON JAPAN 2024. CLICK HERE

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