HyunA and Yong Jun Hyung dating was spotted

HyunA and Yong Jung Hyung were never hiding?

HyunA and Yong Jun Hyung autograph

As HyunA and Yong Jun Hyung posted same picture at the same time. It is making people curious. Two of them holding their hands and walking the sand beach. It seemed they were admitting their open romantic relationship. However, no one could just say it is 100 percent right, as they did not admit it with words. It was just a lover emoji, so some even said it could be the noise marketing for collaboration. It could be, so the Korean news outlets checked on the agencies. Yong Jun Hyung’s agency responded but they said they do not know what is happening right now. They said they are in the ‘checking’ progress. CHECK THE ARTICLE. So people were actually hoping it would be the collaboration of two artists. Fans were sad and worried as Yong Jun Hyung has withdrawn from his team because of an unpleasant event. He has apologized about his friendship with Jung Jun Young.

Yong Jun Hyung’s past

On March 13, 2019, he was investigated as a police reference for seeing illegal videos shared through 1:1 chat rooms with Jung Jun Young and exchanging inappropriate conversations about them. The next day, on March 14, he admitted it and left the team, HIGHLIGHT. In conclusion, Yong Jun hyung is not subject to legal punishment at all because he only received the video. He did not distribute it, or participate in hidden camera filming. However, he was criticized because he could be seen morally as a bystander.

HyunA and Yong Jun Hyung dating evidence

While people were assuming it could be just a noise marketing, someone found a picture of their autograph held together by some staff a restaurant. It was post on November 9th, 2023. The restaurant is located in Apgujung, Seoul. The official account of restaurant said, “Thank you for visiting, HyunA and Yong Jun Hyung.” So it was saying they came to the restaurant together. They were never hiding that they were hanging out together.

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