Is Yu Junwon and FiftyFifty same case? About Tempering

@Yu Jun Won and FiftyFifty

Yu Junwon and FiftyFifty, are they tempering?

The Korea Entertainment Producers Association strongly warned against tempering (pre-contact before the expiration of the exclusive contract) on December 13, 2023. The Korea Entertainment Producers Association said today “It is necessary to maintain equal relations between popular culture and arts planners and popular culture artists (celebrities) for the development of the Korean pop culture industry.” They said both side(artist and producer) should be protected.

The Korea Entertainment Producers Association(KEPA) pointed out that celebrities, who are increasingly influential around the world, use loopholes in standard exclusive contracts to notify planners of termination of exclusive contracts and file lawsuits.

“The standard exclusive contract has been revised. Measures have been put in place to protect the human rights and rights of celebrities. Now it is including the registration system of the pop culture and arts planning business and the law on the development of the pop culture and arts industry. All of these movements are to strengthen their status as equal parties to the planning business operator and improve unfair practices in the pop culture industry.” KEPA continued their talk. “However, the planning business operator is not protected at all.” So their point was, the power and concern on celebrities made producers unsafe.

Mentioning Yu Junwon and FiftyFifty

The association also mentioned that two cases while doing the presentation. They called Yu Junwon and FiftyFifty are the similar case.

“For equal relations between planners and celebrities, it is necessary to revise laws and systems to suit the current industrial environment,” the Federation of Korean Industries said. “The government, the National Assembly, related organizations and organizations are currently working together to revise the standard exclusive contract. We are pushing to revise related laws and come up with measures to improve the system.”

In addition, the KEPA warned, “The act of tempering the foundation of the industry should be eradicated. All producers and entertainers who undermine the image of the industry and cause confusion through tempering should be expelled.”

Yu Junwon, who was about to make his debut in the group ‘Fantasy Boys’, filed an injunction. It was against his production company to suspend the validity of the exclusive contract. It was due to unauthorized departure and profit distribution before his official debut. However, the court rejected Junwon’s request for injunction to suspend the validity of the exclusive contract.

Further informations about Yu Junwon and his lawsuit, CLICK HERE

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