Jennie Staff explained the Indoor Smoking on 2nd, however impersonation?

jennie staff
Blackpink Jennie credit: OA Entertainment

Jennie staff story was impersonated by a fan?

Blackpink Jennie’s indoor smoking controversy continues. On top of that, the Jennie staff member who said they received an apology from Jennie was a self-made play by a fan who impersonated to become a fan. The fan who impersonated the staff defended it, saying, “It was a waiting scene for a fashion show” and “It was not a place that banned indoor smoking,” but rather fueled the fire.

Jennie Indoor Smoking incident

The controversy began with a video released on Jennie’s official YouTube channel on the 2nd. At the time, Blackpink Jennie in the video was seen getting her makeup done at the waiting scene for a fashion show.

The staffs were busy taking care of Jennie’s hairstyle and putting on makeup on face. Meanwhile, Jennie was caught smoking an e-cigarette. Jennie also emitted cigarette smoke, regardless of the staff’s face being close. So the smoke was near the make-up staff’s face.

Indoor smoking and the act of emitting cigarette smoke in front of a person’s face were enough to be pointed out by netizens. Soon, Jennie was being criticized by the people for not thinking of the staffs.

jennie staff
Jennie Agency Apology

Jennie’s agency, ODD Atelier Entertainment, issued a statement as the controversy intensified over whether it was aware of the indoor smoking problem in the video. On the 9th, the agency apologized for Jennie’s indoor smoking and said, “We contacted the staff at the time and apologized.” To read more about it, CLICK HERE.

How the staff impersonation happened

When Jennie’s apology came out, an explanation of the person claiming to be a field staff member was posted online. “The place in the video was the waiting site for the Jacquemus fashion show, and it was not an indoor smoking area. Jennie asked if it was okay to smoke, and after she got agreement the smoking proceeded with the window right next to it,” he defended.

Also, he said, “While the staff was looking for lip products, Jenny inhaled bubble sticks sold at convenience stores. It was just the right timing to breathe out smoke. Even after the fashion show was over, she continued to apologize, and the staff also said she was okay because she is a smoker herself.” He added that he was upset as Jennie’s real friend, leaving a comment.

However, the writer’s argument did not fit the timing of the apology and the sudden bubble stick (disposable e-cigarette). In particular, Italy banned indoor smoking in all public places in the first place. Even if the windows were open, the waiting scene for a fashion show where people were gathered is no exception.

Eventually, the writer was found to have impersonated a staff member and staged a self-made drama. It has only grown her antipathy towards Jennie, who was on the cutting board due to indoor smoking.

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