Ador CEO Min Heejin asked HYBE for reconciliation.
Min Hee Jin 2nd Press Conference
On Friday afternoon (May 31st), Min Heejin held a press conference at the Korea Press Center in central Seoul. This is the first press conference in 36 days since the emergency press conference that took place on March 25.
After coming into the press conference venue with a bright face, CEO Min Heejin said, “I won (the application for provisional injunction to ban the exercise of voting rights) and able to greet you. Still, I feel lighthearted.” She said that she had experienced something that she wished would never happen again in her life.
New Board of Directors
“I am so grateful to the people who watched me and cheered me on even though it was a situation that can be misinterpreted. Thanks to them, I was able not to make strange choices. If things go well, I will make sure to repay them in any way.”
At the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting held earlier in the day, HYBE voted to dismiss two directors of Min Hee-jin’s side and appointed three Hive’s side. Kim Joo-young, chief human resources officer (CHRO), Lee Jae-sang, chief strategy officer (CSO), and Lee Kyung-joon, chief financial officer (CFO) were listed on the new board of directors of Ador.
Lawyer Lee Soo Kyun said, “IF there is a resolution of the executive, dismissing Min Heejin is also possible.” He added, “The purpose of the court’s decision is that there is no reason for dismissal as a representative director, so if HYBE respect this, the directors cannot exercise their voting rights. However, there is no legal way to prevent the board from exercising its voting rights.”
Lawyer Lee Sook-mi also said, “There is a possibility that a new board of directors will convene a meeting of the board of directors. The board of directors who were appointed today has not yet notified the board of directors of the decision. If the board of directors holds a meeting of directors, we are wondering whether we should file another request for provisional injunction to prevent it or not.”
On the dismissed directors, Min Hee-jin said, “They are founding members of Ador. They will continue to work.”
Earlier, the ruling on the provisional injunction against exercising voting rights said, “It could be a betrayal of HYBE, but it is difficult to say that it is a breach of trust against Ador.” In response, lawyer Lee Soo Kyun explained, “It is uncertain whether it could be an act of betrayal. There is an important point in that there was no act that caused damage to the company.”
Betrayal or Not, Min Heejin point of view
CEO Min Heejin also said, “A company is not a group that goes out to socialize. I think a businessmen should prove it with numbers. I think it should be a measure of (betrayal) based on how much profit they made during this period and what profits they gave them to make them feel betrayed.”
“Can we use ‘betrayal’ to the CEO of a subsidiary that made such achievements? It’s very doubtful. I don’t know if such an emotional word is used in a corporation,” said Min Heejin, who said she had achieved the 5 to 7 years top boy group would achieve in just two years after New Jeans’ debut.
What she wants? Reconciliation
Despite this, Min Hee Jin asked HYBE for reconciliation publicly. “I’m tired of criticizing and slandering someone. I want to make a compromise with HYBE,” Min Heejin said. “I want to make a good decision for everyone by considering the real benefits.”
“The reason for this dispute was not the position or greed for money. That is still clear. So in this situation, I actually have more freedom to choose, but what I wanted was to achieve the vision I wanted to achieve with the members of New Jeans.”
“I have already shared this vision with the members and have drawn up a blueprint. I was preparing for Tokyo Dome in June and a world tour next year, but the group needed to secure a track list for the world tour, so we were preparing an album to released at the end of the year. But such a plan became confusing due to the conflict. For someone, this is a huge dream. That’s why I hope there will be a compromise with HYBE,” she said.
About Pushing Albums Strategy
She also said she was encouraged to do so. “It was true that I was encouraged to do so,” Min Heejin said. But she said when she asked them again HYBE responded by saying, “It was just passing by talk during cigarette time.” What should I think if they don’t take my joke as a passing remark but their own talks are just meaningless passing words? I think we should think about this from the same point of view.”
“The members of the New Jeans went crazy yesterday. If they didn’t have a schedule, I would have met them all,” she said. “I was confident that I would win the lawsuit. I’m not guilty, as I know better than anyone else.”
Lastly, “I plan to send an e-mail to the employees of ADOR around tomorrow,” Min Heejin said. “I’m not sure what will happen with HYBE. I’m so tired of the public opinion race, and I don’t want to drag this dispute out for much longer. I want to move on quickly and efficiently (to proceed). Hasn’t there been a turning point where the court gave us a ruling?” “Who is more angry? The confrontation is meaningless.”
Previous article about Min Hee Jin’s press conference, backbiting talks, CLICK HERE. other HYBE artists, CLICK HERE.
Source articles – TV Report and My Daily
Thread of the press conference