What would you do when your turn got skipped?
On December 21st, 2023, My Music Taste and THE BOYZ had a phone call fan sign event. Every fan who won the lucky draw was happy and enjoyed the fan sign event. EXCEPT one ‘NEW'(the member of THE BOYZ) fan. This fan’s turn was skipped. The fan waited for an hour, even though her turn was the ‘first.’ She waited and waited until she saw that members of THE BOYZ left the the venue to go home. She sent a chat to the chatting room that she got the announcement. She sent “When would I get the call?” “EXCUSE ME? :(” She even called the venue, but at first they did not respond.
So she posted a tweet on the ‘X’ and she said she was kind of sad, as it was the last fan sign event of THE BOYZ. Other fans were sad, too. All of K-pop fans know how much it costs to get a chance to talk with an idol in fan sign event. However, the next day she popped up with a good news. She told what the agency said. “It was difficult to proceed further with the missing turn, because all the fan signings were completed. But the agency will coordinate it so that I could participate in the event.” So it is hard to know whose mistake it was between My Music Taste and THE BOYZ. But one thing was sure. THE BOYZ’s agency, IST was fixing it!
How it ended?
On December 23rd, two days after the original fan sign event, the fan finally had the phone call. New and the fan had the phone call event, that she missed. It became just a happening, as she could spend a time with the idol that she deserved. It may become a tragedy if she just lost the oppurtunity. People are assuming it would be fault of the music agency, not the idol’s agency. Because some accuse MY MUSIC TASTE has done same mistake with other idols, too. So it seems it needs to be more careful in process.
Previous article about THE BOYZ, Ju Hak Nyeon being a fanboy, CLICK HERE