[OVERVIEW] New Jeans YouTube Live streaming without discussing with the company, what did they say on 11th

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New Jeans YouTube Live Streaming, Demanding Changes

New Jeans, who had only mentioned Min Hee-jin so far, issued an ultimatum to HYBE this time to return the ADOR to the original status.

On the 11th, New Jeans members Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein opened a new channel, not their own official YouTube channel managed by ADOR, and held a live broadcast under the title “What New Jeans Want to Say.”

The members said, “Honestly, I was worried about the reactions while preparing for this live. And I was worried about that because I think there could be some rumors that the CEO (here it means, Min Hee Jin not the CEO of ADOR) forced us to say,” and emphasized, “What we really want to say for sure is that the five of us prepared this live because there is something we really want to say to public.”

The New Jeans members then raised a problem with HYBE that videos and medical records from their trainee days were reported through the media without their permission. In addition, Hanni revealed unfair treatment and bullying she went through in HYBE, saying she was told to “ignore” by the manager of other artists belonging to other HYBE labels. Shin Woo Seok, the head of the studio ‘dolphin gang’ who directed the New Jeans music video, expressed anxiety about the recent conflict with HYBE, which almost caused the “Ban Hee-soo” channel to disappear. To read about the issue, CLICK HERE.

Hyein said, “We found out through an article that ADOR CEO (Min Hee Jin) has been dismissed. It was so sudden and all the members didn’t imagine it, so it was very difficult for us to believe. It was a very embarrassing feeling. The unilateral notification from the company’s perspective made us convinced that they did not respect us at all,” adding, “We didn’t feel any consideration from Kim Joo Young, the new ADOR CEO who was picked by HYBE.”

New Jeans YouTube Live Streaming capture

New Jeans Minji added, “We still have music and goals that we want to do together, but at this rate, we will lose the color of our work and team, let alone the future, which makes us most upset and helpless. We have set up a meeting to express our intention directly in the sense of asking each other to stop this behavior that is not good for each other.” Lastly, the New Jeans members asked to return the ADOR to the original version of it, saying, “What we want is the original Ador that integrates management and production,” and demanded that former CEO Min Hee Jin to be returned by the 25th of this month. (2 weeks left)

Recently, the board of directors of HYBE affiliated label Ador decided to dismiss Min Hee Jin, the former CEO and director of New Jeans. Kim Joo Young was appointed as the new CEO of ADOR. Min Hee Jin avoided dismissal for now as the previous injunction against HYGE was cited, but on July 27, Ador said, “Former CEO Min Hee Jin will step down from CEO, but she will remain in the executive position of directing. She will also take charge of producing New Jeans as usual.”

However, as CEO Min Heejin immediately protested the decision, the dispute continued. “It was an illegal decision against the court’s decision,” Min said, claiming that the expression “returned” is a media play of HYBE’s side. Shin Woo Seok, the head of the dolphin gang at the studio who directed the music video for New Jeans and submitted a petition against Min Hee-jin’s dismissal, later said that collaboration is no longer possible due to changes in the adore policy.

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