n.SSign Kazuta OST has released!
It has released on various online music sites on the 12th. The group n.SSign Kazuta participated in the OST of the popular web drama. It was his first time to participate in the OST of a series.
According to n.CH Entertainment on the 13th, web drama “Snap and Spark” OST Part.4, ‘I’ll find You’ ‘Japanese Ver.’ was released on the afternoon of the 12th. The agency of n.SSign, n.CH Entertainment said, “The cheerful rhythm and catchy melody of the chorus are impressive.”
They also added that he represented how the character feels, who wants to find and feel sincerity in virtual reality in the SNS era through lyrics such as “I found it, the moment I slightly smiled” and “I found it, the feeling I secretly brought.”
n.SSign, the group that Kazuta belongs to, is loved by fans from both Korea and Japan. The group has completed the Japan Jeff tour before its official debut and has held its solo performance at Ariake Arena in Tokyo, which is just three months after its official debut. n.SSign will release its second mini-album “Happy &” on the 15th and begin its activities in Korea.
Meanwhile, “Snap and Spark” is a series about a variety of Korean high school students who want to love in a world where popularity of an individual divides the class they belong. In the series, if they don’t receive hearts, they become losers.
Kazuta’s OST Part.4 ‘I’ll find You (Japanese Ver.)’, which is sung by Kazuta, is currently available on various online music sites for its music sources.
Previous article about n.SSign, n.SSign conquering the Arena in Japan even before its debut, CLICK HERE.
The main homepage of the agency, http://www.nchworld.com