ZB1 Ricky Birthday is on May 20
ZB1 Ricky birthday is on May 20, but the keyword, ‘Ricky’s Birthday’ is currently on real-time trend for several days. Unfortunately, it is not on trend for positive reasons. It was by the fans’ request toward the agency, WAKEONE. They were tagging 4 official account of Wakeone and ZEROBASEONE, with “please read and respond to the emails regarding ricky’s birthday support. 리키의 생일 서포트에 관한 이메일을 읽고 답장해주세요.”
To send a present to members of ZEROBASEONE, the fans need to get permission from the agency via email. But the agency was not answering to all of the fanbases’ requesting emails. Vietnam fanbase, Japan fanbase, and China Ricky bar all of them said they were not getting answer from the agency, WAKEONE.
They sent several emails to get permission to visit the agency to do birthday support of Ricky. But as they are not getting answer, sending Birthday support is in the fog.
ZB1 Ricky Protest Truck in front of agency
Ricky fans sent a protest truck to WAKEONE. The truck has sent on day, May 16th, and is parked in front of WAKEONE. The protest truck was asking fair treat from agency, requesting individual schedule for Ricky. Under the screen demanding fair treatment, they added a slogan, ‘생일 서포트 메일이나 읽어’ which means, ‘Read the email about Birthday support.’ How would WAKEONE response to the fans?
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