ZEROBASEONE Zhang Hao caught stealing Light Stick at MAMA

Zhang Hao caught by MAMA PD?

So ZEROBASEONE center, Zhang Hao has confessed a cute episode of him in 2023 MAMA. Initially, he sent a picture of him holding a light stick of 2023 MAMA through his bubble. The light stick that he was holding, was a free light stick that was given to all artists and audiences who attended 2023 MAMA at Tokyo Dome in Japan.

While the awards were happening, him holding the light stick was easily seen by audience.He was holding it even when he was going on stage to get rewarded. He loved it, and he enjoyed waving the light stick. So fans knew he was obsessed with the light stick. So fans were just laughing and thought it was obvious he got the light stick. However, when he shared episode that Zhang Hao caught by producer of stealing light stick made fans laugh harder. It was a funny and cute episode.

What Happened?

“I tried to steal the light stick for two days, but I got caught twice and failed it. So I asked the producer if he could give me one, because I really like it, and I got one.” This was what he sent through his Bubble on November 30th, 2023.

@’X’ user Area, Zhang Hao caught by Producer

Zhang Hao added one more detail about the episode of the light stick. ‘Zhang Hao caught by producer’ episode. “I brought it out naturally, but a producer ran to the exit of the concert and took it away. kkkkkkk.” So the picture that was taken by his fan was when he was spotted by the producer of taking light stick to home. So the producer saw him taking the light stick out of venue, and ran to grab it from him.

On the other hand, ZEROBASEONE earned 3 awards at 2023 MAMA, including ‘Rookie of the Year.’

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